Mind-Set, Agronomy Training & Organization
PMA has already started doing the following activities at least with/for beneficiaries of the pilot project site in Hoima district which we plan to go full scale in march 2021.

Mind-set changing training, mentorship.
Subsistence agriculture has been a way of life in these communities for years. Therefore, specialists on mindset and behavior change lead workshops so that farmers fully understand the benefits of growing their crops to sell for profit.
Form local leadership to enhance project ownership & sustainability.
We partner with religious and customary leaders in the community to serve on a Board of Overseers that administers the project. The Board of Overseers appoints three community leaders per village, who recruit farmers and monitor their progress throughout the project.

Technical training (Agronomy, Financial literacy, Record keeping, Apiary, Animal husbandry, Business skills)
PMA’s agronomists and agricultural engineer teach farmers to use modern farming equipment and new techniques for increasing yield. Trainings also cover approaches to improve Kitchen Gardens, where they grow a more nutritious bundle of produce to meet the families’ basic dietary needs.